"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Class Is In Session

imageAlright, Game Thread for first game of the Spring!….

(cricket, cricket…)

At any rate, sorry for the late start, but rage dump here as you desire. I’ll try to lend a hand here and there to provide a place for us to get together and cogitate. In the meantime, let’s watch The Severino build on his impressive debut from last season, with  a lineup like this backing him up against the Tigers, who throw an old familiar NY face in former Mets phenom Mike Pelfrey.

Categories:  1: Featured  Game Thread  Yankees

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1 rbj   ~  Mar 2, 2016 2:26 pm

Yargh, not on the radio here. Nor on gamechannel.

2 Shaun P.   ~  Mar 2, 2016 2:38 pm

Oh, if I only I didn't have to focus on work, and could keep a browser window with MLB.tv open!

Thanks for setting up the thread, Chyll.

3 Chyll Will   ~  Mar 2, 2016 8:40 pm

Too bad we all missed this one, it turned out to be pretty exciting at the end from what I heard.

4 coleman42   ~  Mar 3, 2016 9:21 am

I watched the whole game. Yanks were down 7-0 in second or third inning, came back to up 8-7, then down 9-8 in ninth then came back with the aid of an error by left fielder to walk off win 10-9.

Jorge Mateo made his debut halfway through game, struck out first time.

In second at bat, he hits a booming drive to deep left center, hustles out of the box, but halfway to first base, he slows to a home run trot. He gets to first base and realizes it's not an HR but off the wall, so proceeds to hustle to third base for a stand up triple. Nice hit but rookie mistake. But that's what these games are for. Bet he'll never do that again!

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver