"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice


Although the full details of Aaron Boone’s injury are not available yet, reports in The Daily News and The New York Times elaborate on Tom Verducci’s scoop this morning. According to Tyler Kepner:

Boone told the Yankees last Monday that he had injured himself playing basketball, and the Yankees flinched at the news, even as they appreciated the admission. The injury came at the worst possible time for the Yankees, with virtually every third baseman already signed for the coming season.

“We are currently evaluating the extent of the injury and expect to solicit multiple opinions before providing a complete diagnosis,” Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman said in a statement. “Concerning his contract, I can confirm that there are certain prohibited activities which include basketball.”

While the Yankees won’t miss Boone’s offense, he was the best defensive infielder on the team. So again, who will play third for the Bombers in 2004? The options aren’t exactly encouraging right now. Cliff Corcoran, intrepid Yankee blogger, was up late last night asking himself this very question. Perhaps the Yankees will get creative. David Pinto suggests signing Pudge Rodriguez and moving him to the hot corner:

Peter Gammons did a piece on Pudge’s footwork a few years ago in which it was noted that he moved like a second baseman. Pudge could have easily been in fielder. He has the arm for third base, he has a great bat for third base, and no one else seems to want him. Why not give it a try?

Can’t wait to see what Steven Goldman has to say in his Pinstriped Bible column this week.

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--Earl Weaver