"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

There are many questions concerning the 2005 Yankees: Will Randy Johnson stay healthy, how will Carl Pavano and Jaret Wright perform, will Alex Rodriguez have a more productive season? And that’s just for starters. But the biggest mystery, the $64,000 question, as it were, is what can we expect from Jason Giambi? On Saturday, Jack Curry reported that the Yankees are prepared for Giambi to play first base and DH this year. In addition:

Arn Tellem, Giambi’s agent, said yesterday that Giambi intended to meet with reporters in February before he goes to spring training. Tellem added that Giambi had begun two-a-day workouts and described him as working out intensely in preparation for the 2005 season.

“His spirits are very good, Tellem said in a telephone interview. “He’s feeling the best he has in a long time. He’s very determined to come back and show everybody he’s the quality player he’s always been.”

I hope that Giambi comes back and plays well. He’s going to have some kind of cloud hanging over his head–the media attention and the abuse he’ll hear on the road should be relentless–but I don’t think it will bother his teammates too much. Both Joe Torre and Brian Cashman have left Giambi messages this winter. He hasn’t returned their calls. I can understand why Giambi hasn’t spoken with the media, but I don’t get why he would’t return Joe Torre’s call. What’s up with that? I don’t get it.

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--Earl Weaver