"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

“C” is for “Crazy”

“If I was managing the team, I would close,” [Jonathan] Papelbon said. “I’m not managing the team, so it don’t matter.”

…”We’ve both earned that right; us, by winning the World Series and having the opportunity of having our manager there and our team being represented, and Mariano by what he’s done for this role, we’re in Yankee Stadium and blah, blah, blah,” Papelbon said. “It’s not that easy. Everybody thinks it’s a cut and dry answer, but it’s not.”
(N.Y. Daily News)

Well, Jonathan Paplebon is an athlete. And I’d rather have a guy who is dumb and good than smart and crappy. So this wasn’t an especially bright thing to say. He isn’t paid to be bright.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver