"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

SHADOW GAMES: Only On A Saturday

Moussa Akwari doesn’t mind working Saturdays.

“Everyone else wants it off,” he explained. “I volunteer and the boss loves me, but it’s really my favorite day.”

Akwari delivers party supplies – balloons, decorations, hats, horns, napkins, cups, plates and plastic forks – for a little shop on Broadway.

“It’s mostly boring office parties during the week,” he said, “but today there will be lots of birthdays.

“Last Saturday I delivered for a party on the Westside,” Akwari continued. “A boy was turning 10 years old and his mother ordered balloons and everything else we had for the Yankees. When I got there she had a blue and white cake with a picture of Derek Jeter and real Yankees hats and plastic bats and foam balls.

“They were going to eat cake and then play baseball in the apartment,” Akwari went on. “That must have been the best party ever.”

Akwari smiled and said:

“And it could only happen on a Saturday.”

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1 upper deck view   ~  Nov 15, 2008 12:45 pm

That sounds like a great birthday party theme for my husband next year! A Jeter birthday cake would be perfect!

2 Joe L.   ~  Nov 15, 2008 2:31 pm

Wow, what a wild party. Sorry I missed it.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver