"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Are Don Mattingly’s Days Numbered in L.A.?


M’eh, could be.

[Photo Credit: Scott Iskowitz/AP]

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1 Chyll Will   ~  Oct 24, 2014 3:53 pm

Interesting that Maddon proclaimed his love of Tampa less than a week ago and now he's walking out the door. I always found people who speak out about their profound connections to a community after their bonds are questioned to be a tad disingenuous. Cashman would probably love be to scoop him up for a role on his "cabinet", but I wonder if that wouldn't cause a major speculative migraine for Koe and the clubhouse. I'd think you'd want to shore up your development somehow (Mark Newman retired earlier this month and they're considering Omar Minaya as his replacement??)

2 MSM35   ~  Oct 24, 2014 3:54 pm

Joe wants Steinberg to spend money. They averaged 17,000 a game this year. Stu. didn't get rich by spending his own cash. Florida is great for the spring but half the population goes home by April.

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--Earl Weaver