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WARSHED OUT The Yanks got


The Yanks got an unexpected break before the big serious in the Bronx against the Sox this weekend, as yesterday’s game in Baltimore was rained out (it will be made up on August 14th). They have an off day today. Brandon Claussen will not start on Saturday after all. Instead, Boomer will pitch Friday, followed by Rocket, Pettitte and then Mussina. Couldn’t Claussen pitch instead of Andy? Nah, I guess that’s not going to happen. Too bad, cause I figure the Sox will torch Pettitte.

Will Carroll of Baseball Prospectus had some interesting comments regarding Claussen in his Under The Knife column a few days ago:

What Claussen is doing–returning to competition at just over a year post-surgery–is not only amazing, it’s unprecedented. Not only has the new rehab protocol gotten him back more quickly than anyone, the return of his control is even more astounding. I have some theories on what was different and hope to have more facts for you soon. Claussen is clearly a medical marvel and perhaps as important a Tommy John patient as we’ve had since, well, Tommy John.

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