"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Major Bummer

The Yanks will be without Jason Giambi for at least a minute, but possibly for the entire season. According to George King in the Post:

Giambi was diagnosed with a partially torn plantar fascia tendon on the bottom of the left foot, was immediately put in a walking boot and will be placed on the disabled list before tonight’s game. While he will be re-evaluated in three weeks by Dr. William Hamilton, who examined Giambi yesterday in New York, it’s usually a three-to-six-month process according to medical sources. Surgery is an option, but not one that is routinely used to release the tendon. Mark McGwire required surgery to fix the same problem.

If surgery isn’t done and the healing process takes three months, that would get Giambi out of the boot at the beginning of September. After that much time off and no minor league games to play in, it’s not realistic that the 36-year-old Giambi could bounce back in time. If it’s any longer than three months, Giambi is definitely finished for this season.


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