"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Same as it Ever Was?


And so, on a snowy Sunday evening in New York, the Jets are playing for a playoff spot. It is the last regular-season game at Giants Stadium–the Giants were crushed in their finale last week and they are getting spanked again today in Minnesota. Now, stranger things have happened, so why shouldn’t the Jets win tonight? Still, this being the Jets–childhood memories of AJ Duhe, of Mark Gastinau and his 4th and 15 roughing the passer penalty, come back in a rush of disappointment–the smart money is on them finding a way to blow it.

I hope I’m wrong. I’m glad I don’t bet. And I’m even happier that I save all my angst for the Yankees, so no matter what happens, I won’t lose any sleep over the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets.

alice the goon

And that’s word to Jermone Barkum.

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1 The Mick536   ~  Jan 3, 2010 5:36 pm

Attended only one Jets game in the Meadowlands right after it opened with a friend Pat O'brian. Remember nothing. Couldn't see the field. It was cold. Saw many cold games at Shea. People begged you to go to the games in December. I remember the trial, too, at 100 Centre Street.

2 The Hawk   ~  Jan 3, 2010 6:24 pm

I've never once been to an NFL game. My friend, who has, insists it's better on TV (the converse is true of baseball).

Anyway wow I can't believe the Jets are in a position to make it to the playoffs after blowing it two weeks ago. They are so, so lucky. Their defense is also an example of the numbers lying to an extent - top rated but definitely un-clutch. It was brutal vs the Falcons on that final drive, but that wasn't the first time.

3 ms october   ~  Jan 3, 2010 6:52 pm

[2] yeah i think it is better on tv.
i have only been to one nfl game (have seen more college games live) - it was jets-steelers a handful of years ago when both sucked. it was a cold ass snowy, december - the bus driver got lost from the meadowlands coming back to the port authority because his usual route was closed. anyways the highlight of the day was hot chocolate.

i am really bummed by the reports linked on rab that coney is probably not coming back to yes next year.

4 monkeypants   ~  Jan 3, 2010 7:36 pm

[2] I've been to a handful of NFL games...boring, generally. Lots of down time. You know, all those times it cuts to commercial and you run to the bathroom or grab a beer, in the stadium you just sit there in the cold. Plus the fans (in my experience) tend to be drunker and more obnoxious and idiotic. It didn't really seem to be much about the game.

Then again, I'm not much of an NFL fan. Maybe if I were more engaged...

5 Diane Firstman   ~  Jan 3, 2010 8:28 pm

I think I know EXACTLY where that photo was taken .... near the AT&T building just below Canal Street ... (I used to work a few blocks south of there)

Go Bengals!

6 Raf   ~  Jan 3, 2010 9:31 pm

Never been to the Giants Stadium to watch an NFL game. Have seen the Cosmos and the Metrostars play there.

7 Alex Belth   ~  Jan 3, 2010 10:11 pm

I saw a David Bowie concert at Giants Stadium, the only time I was there.

Hey, the Jets are up 27-0 at the half. Even they can't blow this one...can they?

8 thelarmis   ~  Jan 3, 2010 10:42 pm

i remember seeing the Jets play the Baltimore Colts at Shea when i was a kid. then i saw the Jets play at Giants Stadium twice. couldn't tell ya the opponent...

[7] i saw The Who & The Police at Shea Stadium when i was 8. lotsa opening acts on both of those concerts - joan jett, the clash, david johannsen, and more...

[6] i remember seeing the NY Arrows - indoor soccer - i think it was at nassau collesium. shep messing, steve zungal !!!

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--Earl Weaver