"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

State of Grace

Dig this short piece on the strange grace of players trading places by an Astros fan over at the most excellent blog, Pitchers and Poets:

Today, I’ve got my Berkman t-shirt on. It’s clean, and fits me well. And I look forward to see him wear Yankee pinstripes, odd as that may be to say. Great players should play on big stages, and though he’s past his greatest days, his swing is still pretty and he does well what the Yankees like in their players: getting on base and playing well calmly. Same, too, for Roy Oswalt, though he’ll be in the same league. He’ll show some new fans what he does well, and that’s something.

There is pleasure to be had in seeing something well-known and beloved in a different setting. You can’t stand still, after all. You’ve got to move forward.

[Photo Credit: Boston.com]

One comment

1 Dimelo   ~  Aug 6, 2010 11:07 am

The author sure is in a good place to look at things that way, most fans aren't like that. It's good to know that someone isn't coming from the "f'em" mentality. That final sentence says it all.

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--Earl Weaver