"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

The Best Day of the Year in New York City

I love this day in New York. It is so still, so calm (you can even find a parking space!). But not for long, just a few precious hours more. Tomorrow, everyone will be back to work, kids will cram the subways again. But for now, neighborhoods are sleepy. From my apartment I can hear the subway in the distance, softly chugging along. There, the sound of a stray bird. And that’s it. Silence. Happiness.

One comment

1 kenboyer made me cry   ~  Sep 6, 2010 11:31 am

Beautiful, not too warm, quiet day. Sort of melancholy; the social end of summer, a touch of fall in the air, dry skies, a different light, some kids bumming about school starting tomorrow, a few trees changing color, talk of football. Change is in the air, and general uncertainty about a lot is felt by all. Hope.

Went to the game yesterday. Hughes gives up HRs with two strikes, mystifying. It is sad to watch Jeter; and although winning has always been his priority how can one celebrate, and lead the other players when you are not contributing? He can't be satisfied being the captain of cheerleading.

A flawed team with obvious holes leading all of baseball. It's been a crazy year, and who knows what heroics will surface in the post season. At least we can keep football on the back burner here.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver