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It’s Ryan Braun over Matt Kemp for NL MVP. Don’t agree with this one, but there you have it.

Oh, yeah, Craig Calcaterra weighs in on the new CBA.

Categories:  1: Featured  Baseball  Games We Play

Tags:  2011 NL MVP  ryan braun

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1 Shaun P.   ~  Nov 22, 2011 2:51 pm

The CBA changes are bad news for how the Yanks work internationally, and in the draft. Yikes.

2 Jon DeRosa   ~  Nov 22, 2011 3:16 pm

[1] ya know though, the yanks don't go over slot to nab expensive draft talent nearly as much as the red sox. this hurts boston way more than the yanks. and over at fangraphs, dave cameron thinks these developments will tilt things even further towards the yanks.

and braun and kemp had identical looking seasons in raw stats. one guy played center, the other left. nod to the CF. and one guy plays in a great hitter's park, the other plays in a pitcher's park. nod the pitcher's park. one guy played 11 more games than the other. nod to attendance. one guy did it in a pennant race, the other guy, along with the cy young had to distract an entire fan base from their organizational disintergration. i'd say that's a wash. shoulda been kemp.

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