"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice


block I once asked a friend: “If you could do one thing in a major league game what would it be? Strike a hitter out, hit a home run, steal home?”

He said, “Rob someone of a homer.”

That hadn’t occurred to me.

I was reminded of this yesterday when Paul Pierce blocked Kyle Lowry’s shot in the final seconds of Game 7 in Toronto. It was a clean block. If the shot went in, the Raptors would have won. But Pierce blocked it–with his left hand–and the Nets won.

What a Boss way to end an opponents’ season.

[Photo Credit: Corey Sipkin/N.Y. Daily News]

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1 YankeeAbby   ~  May 5, 2014 12:46 pm

I'm no basketball fan by any stretch, but it's kind of cool to see this team still in it.

...PS - anyone else think it was sad/funny as sh*t to see Drake hugging the friggin' Raptor MASCOT after they lost?

2 ms october   ~  May 5, 2014 1:33 pm

can't feel good about the nets until pierce and kg aren't on the team.
lowry forced that shot. pierce almost couldn't help but block it.
crazy way to advance/end your season though.

3 Alex Belth   ~  May 5, 2014 3:23 pm
4 joejoejoe   ~  May 6, 2014 11:25 am

I wonder if Dave Winfield ever blocked somebody's shot to win a game at Minnesota? I know he robbed a lot of people of home runs.

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--Earl Weaver