Yanks mashed again last night, this time, 11-7. Pinch-me, this is fun. Everything is rolling right, might as well enjoy it while it lasts, cause it won’t.
Hotter than July heatwave in New York right now. Yanks are probably happy they are out of townski.
Alex Rodriguez is in the booth tonight calling the game for FOX.
Never mind the fountain:
Let’s Go Yankees!
Picture by Bags
Well that's not a good start
Still not looking good
A-rod is ok so far but I can barely hear him.
Suddenly Montgomery can't throw strikes?
Doubly so
[3] apparently duffy got a haircut before the game, and was relaxed
we should trade montgomery before everyone realizes he's not that good
No sweep? C'mon Montgomery
whoa hosmer and ellsbury could be brothers
Cy Duffy
Alex does have good insight
[13] Who is in the booth tonight? I got the KC radio guys on here.
A-Rod (his debut) and Kevin something or other. Ken Rosenthal is the roving guy.
Damn, Gary actually got the guy at first
It's amazing what a properly turned double play can do.
Fucking shite.
Getaway game, oh well.
Once in awhile you run into a hot pitcher.
Alex had made too many self deprecating comments about how we've played better after he left.
Nice! I have faith...
Judge singles seem anticlimactic
I just would like a run.
Oh well. Got the run though...
G'night all (if indeed anyone remains)