"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Salty in Seattle

jacobsen salt

Good match-up to start the weekend series in Seattles—Little Luis vs. King Felix.

Never mind the contenders:

Let’s Go Yank-ees!

[Photo Credit: Food & Wine]

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1 rbj   ~  Jul 20, 2017 7:14 pm

Can't stay up for 10 pm starts

2 cult of basebaal   ~  Jul 20, 2017 9:14 pm

It's getting late early, boys ... time to start winning games again.

3 seamus   ~  Jul 20, 2017 9:22 pm

Hey all. Let's go Yankees!

4 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 20, 2017 10:12 pm

So after all the moving and shaking, we still don't have a 1st baseman, but we do have a weaker hitting 3rd baseman (with a little more pop). I'd rather see the G-Man at first than Headley.

5 cult of basebaal   ~  Jul 20, 2017 10:15 pm

Ugh. This is going to be another one of these series, isn't it?

6 cult of basebaal   ~  Jul 20, 2017 10:37 pm


7 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 20, 2017 10:40 pm

[5] You mean "The Mystery of The Missing Offense, Chapter 1: No Bats in the Belfry"

8 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 20, 2017 10:55 pm

Gutty! Gritty!

9 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 20, 2017 11:12 pm

The Return of Chris Carter.

10 thelarmis   ~  Jul 20, 2017 11:36 pm

I love being able to come home from work and see the Yanks live!

11 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 20, 2017 11:36 pm

This is a great game.

12 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 20, 2017 11:38 pm

[10] Finally some company.

Holiday needs to get sick again.

13 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 20, 2017 11:43 pm

Uh-oh, Dellin being Dellin again.

Get him outta there.

14 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 20, 2017 11:46 pm

To the showers, Betances. Come on, Joe, fer fucks sake.

15 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 20, 2017 11:48 pm

Damn, he can't even throw a strike to 2nd.

16 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:04 am

I dig the Todfather!

17 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:06 am

Thanks, Robbie! :)

18 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:08 am

Miguel Cabrera now has 1,600 RBI.

19 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:14 am

No D-Rob. I guess they are saving him in case it gets "interesting".

20 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:14 am

Jeez. Throw a fucking strike, will ya.

21 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:16 am

Great. Leadoff walk to the no. 9 hitter.

Why is "no." short for "number?" Shouldn't it be "nu."? Where's RI when you need him...

Um, does this constitute "interesting?" D-Rob was already warming...

22 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:17 am

Coney should be a manager. OUR manager!

23 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:19 am

Needed that swinging K

24 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:21 am

Cone should be on all the broadcasts. Get rid of Flaherty.

25 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:24 am

Shutout gone. Robbie, of course...

26 cult of basebaal   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:25 am

Damn, all you late arrivals ... I gave up on this thread!

27 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:26 am

Yay! :)

28 thelarmis   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:26 am

Hi, cult! Bye, cult. ;)

29 cult of basebaal   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:27 am


30 cult of basebaal   ~  Jul 21, 2017 12:28 am

Hi Nostra, bye Nostra!

31 Boatzilla   ~  Jul 21, 2017 4:48 am

[22] Yes. I'm sooooo tired of G.I. Joe.
[24] Yes. Hate Flaherty to death.

Actually, I am starting to like Leiter. Either he's getting better or I am getting used to him.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver