"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Tag: bird bath

New York Minute


Before I climbed the steps to the subway this morning I saw a cluster of small birds bathing in a puddle by the curb. I stopped and looked at them. My first instinct was to grab my phone, take a picture, put it on Instagram, email it to myself to use on the blog, to share the moment. But I didn’t reach for the phone. I just stood and watched, the birds flapping their wings and then one by one taking off. More taking their place.  I took it in for myself and that was enough.

Now I’m telling you about it because it was a pleasant way to start the day. But I was also relieved not to photograph it, send it, share it, faster, faster.

[Photo Credit: Todd Gipstein]

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver