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Heaven is Hot Food on a Cold Night

It’s getting cold and you know what that means…it means I’m thinking about what and where to eat this winter.

I’ve heard good things about Resto, a Belgianish restaurant in Murray Hill.


Haven’t been yet but the burger is supposed to be slammin’.


Guy I know told me that the Hangover Pasta “will make you see Jesus.”


Now, how can you not at least be curious about something like that?

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1 Mr. OK Jazz TOKYO   ~  Oct 12, 2009 10:33 pm

That burger looks solid...methinks you've given me an idea for lunch today.."Authentic Burger" down the street..burgers grilled to perfection, ska music on the PA..only 11:30am and damn am I hungry already..

2 Alex Belth   ~  Oct 12, 2009 10:36 pm

I saw a few pictures of the burger and it didn't LOOK the best anything in any of the shots. But that's the beauty part--it doesn't matter what it looks like, only what it tastes like.

3 Jersey   ~  Oct 13, 2009 12:39 am

I thought for a second that was a fried egg on the pasta and chuckled, until I read the description and realized they put fried eggs on the pasta.


4 dlaik1   ~  Oct 13, 2009 2:53 am

Hmmm, knowing how I usually describe things, I think I actually said that the hangover pasta will "make you see the baby jesus", a subtle, but important distinction. And I do recommend actually being hungover to get the full effect. If youre feeling particularly crazy throw in a "dutch baby", a crispy pig's ear salad and some frites and you are golden! And even though they serve it at the restaurant, its worth walking a few blocks to broadway and getting coffee directly from Stumptown roasters. Their cold brewed coffee might even let you see the adult jesus...


5 Dimelo   ~  Oct 13, 2009 7:41 am

Food always makes me curious.

Alex, another place that makes a great burger is The Little Owl over in the west village. Though they only make their burgers to have during lunchtime.

6 Boatzilla   ~  Oct 13, 2009 9:03 am

Deliciously, mouth-watering post Alex. Has Belgian chow and beer finally made it to NYC? Japan has been decidedly bullish on Belgian boozine for nearly a decade now. With a Belgian pub in nearly every neighborhood in Tokyo, serving steamed mussels, snausages, and lamb pita sammies, and gallons of high-octane suds, it surely has reached the saturation point. I checked out one called Favori in my new office locale in central Ginza the other night. The steamed mussels were excellent, the suds plentiful, but, yes, they had NO HAMBURGERS. (Note: the burger boom is on in full force in Japan, as Mr. Jazz can attest to, but it has a decidedly American flavor) Erp!

7 lroibal   ~  Oct 13, 2009 11:21 am
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