"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Beat of the Day

This one comes from our pal Larry Roibal. Dig…


His Way:

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1 RIYank   ~  Jan 23, 2010 11:30 am

That could be the worst Frank Sinatra song I ever hoid.

2 matt b   ~  Jan 23, 2010 12:32 pm

I guess you haven't heard Sinatra's take on "Downtown," then.

3 lroibal   ~  Jan 23, 2010 5:02 pm

Paul Simon told an interesting story about this Sinatra version of the song on Michael Kay's Center Stage. Paul said he got into a fight with Sinatra over it. Kay asked him how that went. Simon smiled and said, well, I'm still here. He heard Frank's version pre-release and wasn't happy that Sinatra changed his words...Ring a ding ding Mrs. Robinson, and Jillie loves you more than you will know. He was young and brash and said no, you can't change my words, cease and desist. He got a call from a very nervous producer who said he had a wife and family and couldn't tell Frank that he couldn't release it. Simon reluctantly agreed, but now he's thrilled that he did and loves that Frank rat-packed the song up.

4 motorinstructor   ~  Jan 23, 2010 8:42 pm

When Frank did "Strangers in the Night" also in the late sixties, that song was more his style and it became a number 1 hit on the pop charts. He followed up with "That's Life" also came in number 1. He excelled at the type of music he did best; bar-room crooning and romantic love songs.

5 OldYanksFan   ~  Jan 24, 2010 3:34 pm

I usually don't like accoustic takes on pop tunes, but the guitat work is just so outstanding on that cut. I put Paul Simon as one of the greatest legends of Rock'n'Roll. Just a great talent.

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