"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

New York Minute

A downstairs neighbor of ours smokes and we can smell it coming through the radiator vent. It’s noticeable, maybe because we’re so sensitive to cigarette smoke now. Both Em and I used to smoke and when we were growing up it seems as if all the grown-ups we knew smoked. If you are of a certain age, I dare you to find childhood pictures without an ashtray on the living room coffee table. You could smoke in movie theaters, at the game, on the train, and certainly in your own home.

That’s not the case these days and I don’t miss it though it’s still hard to believe that you are getting a bargain if you can cop a pack of smokes for $10.

[Photograph Joseph Holmes]

Categories:  1: Featured  Bronx Banter  New York Minute  NYC

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1 bp1   ~  May 5, 2011 11:29 am

Yeah - I'm of that age. In fact, my first job put me in an office with two smokers - who were free to smoke in the office. I was not a smoker, but I guess I was by default back then. Went home plenty of times with nasty headaches from inhaling smoke fumes all day.

Kinda hard to even imagining that happening these days. Someone lights up in an office now and all Hell will break loose.

2 Alex Belth   ~  May 5, 2011 11:35 am

When I first worked in film editing rooms in the early 90s we smoked, had ashtrays right next to the film.

3 edoubletrouble   ~  May 5, 2011 12:18 pm

Dude Al ... this new format is the BOMB!


Yeah, I'd smoke 'em if someone else gottem and they're not a Marlboro or Camel. At the same time since the truth is out about the dangers of cigs, it's hard for me to see smokers smoking. My preventive medicine is to imagine the smoke's journey in and out of the smoker's body. It's gross.

But we do it to ourselves as we're doin' it to the world.

Change comes slowly, I guess.

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