"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Where & When: S2 Game 6

Hey there, got time for another game of Where & When? Well so do I; I was so busy with early and long calls last week that I couldn’t get a post in edge-wise. But the holidays are approaching and the weather is starting to get a bit frightful (or annoyingly inconsistent if you’re in the east like me), so why don’t we take advantage of this little smattering of downtime and press our luck on this:

Where & When S2 Game 6Another easy one, so I won’t offer any clues.  What I would like you to do is figure out the location of this photo and when it was likely taken, plus give us at least five modern landmarks that obviously don’t appear in this picture when it was taken (they could also be in the general vicinity if not exactly within the range of the photo).  As a bonus question, name one landmark that was fairly recently replaced by another, in or within range of the picture (tough one for you non-Noo Yawkuz out there!) Here’s a hint for that: “whatever it is I think I see…”

So have at it, people.  In respect to the weather, I think I’ll substitute a bowl of chicken noodle soup for the first person to get all the answers I seek, and a bottle of cold root beer for the bonus.  Everyone else gets a fortune cookie… don’t ask me why, I’m just playing it by ear today because of the weather.

Have fun, show your math and complete answers for credit.  Don’t peek at the photo credit and I’ll chat with you later!

Photo credit: NYC Past


1 rbj   ~  Nov 17, 2014 11:06 am

Trolleys and horse drawn carriages, no cars, so pre WWI.

2 rbj   ~  Nov 17, 2014 11:17 am

Roundabout monuments of new york city leads to Columbus Circle.
Construction of Columbus Circle leads to this: http://www.photosofoldamerica.com/index.cfm/New_York_City_Street_Scenes-Columbus_Circle_Construction_271.htm


There's also now the Time Warner Center, etc., http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbus_Circle#Neighborhood

Used to have a Uneeda Biscuit billboard, there is still a Nabisco plant in northern Jersey, which is near a graveyard which houses my mom's parents & brother, as well as a few generations back.

Might also want to fire up the hot chocolate generator.

3 thelarmis   ~  Nov 17, 2014 11:17 am

Damn. I love chicken noodle soup and root beer (though not together), but never know the first thing about any pictures in this game. If there are any leftovers, I get dibs!

4 kenboyer made me cry   ~  Nov 17, 2014 11:55 am

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Looks like he will be taking the Broadway line fairly soon after this photo was shot.
A million things (ok, maybe a thousand) changed as depicted on this photo compared to now. So where's Waldo?

5 TheGreenMan   ~  Nov 17, 2014 12:24 pm

Well, the monument went up in 1892 and the traffic circle was completed in 1905. This looks like it's still in construction here, and I saw a pic of the circle from 1907 that looks much different (the building directly beyond the monument was gone by then). So I'm going to go with 1904.

6 TheGreenMan   ~  Nov 17, 2014 12:31 pm

Or perhaps earlier since the subway lines shown in construction here were completed in 1904. Hurm...

7 RIYank   ~  Nov 17, 2014 1:49 pm

This one might be just a little easier than you thought, Will.
It's 1901.

Here's my brilliant detective work: I looked carefully at the bottom right of the photo, where the date and some other info is printed. (It's in white, on light grey, so hard to see... but not that hard!)

8 Chyll Will   ~  Nov 17, 2014 2:01 pm

[6] *Sigh*...

9 Chyll Will   ~  Nov 17, 2014 2:05 pm

[7] It happens. I caught that in the last game before I posted it, but I wasn't thinking about it this time, even though I saw similar referencing in other photos from the same site. Okay wise guy, everyone gets chicken noodle soup >;) Hooray, thelarmis and Charles Barkley get to eat!

So, how about the bonus question? That's still up for grabs...

10 Chyll Will   ~  Nov 17, 2014 2:54 pm

Oh, I saw your moderated comment and approved it, rbj, and since you were the first one with the answers I'll whip up a nice cup of hot chocolate for you.

11 rbj   ~  Nov 17, 2014 4:52 pm

[10] Thanks. Supposed to get down to 13 tonight.

12 thelarmis   ~  Nov 17, 2014 5:21 pm

Yeah, it's gonna get as low as 21 tonight and 19 tomorrow, here in Coldlanta. And my downstairs best isn't working properly. Already had workers here on 3 separate occasions and it's still not fully fixed. Let's hope the 4th time is the charm!

13 kenboyer made me cry   ~  Nov 17, 2014 5:28 pm

[12] seriously, what is a "downstairs best"?

14 RIYank   ~  Nov 17, 2014 8:28 pm

Oh, you know, as in,

"Why look, there's thelarmis, all dressed up in his downstairs best!"

15 Chyll Will   ~  Nov 17, 2014 8:28 pm

[13] Probably slang for "bass drum on the downbeat" >;)

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