"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Play Ball!


Spanning the World of Sport: Tough loss for Coach Cal and Kentucky last night, huh?

(Hey, Frank: Yeah, you get props over here.)

Now we turn to baseball. Tonight gives the Cubs, Cardinals for the season opener on ESPN. Tomorrow afternoon at the Stadium, life after Jeter begins with our man Tanaka on the hill against Russell Martin and those douchy Blue Jays.

The sun’s been out the past few days and though it’s still brisk at times, in the sun it’s lovely.

Spring’s here. Happy Pesach, Happy Easter.

Let’s Go Base-ball!

[Photo Credit: Emil Heilborn]

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1 RIYank   ~  Apr 5, 2015 11:53 am

My son is a UW student. That was definitely the best, most satisfying college basketball game I've ever seen.

I think any college player on a team that loses in the Final Four pretty much gets a pass for saying pretty much anything off the top of his head. That must be a soul-crushing experience, especially if you were the favorite.

2 MSM35   ~  Apr 5, 2015 12:22 pm

In Dunedin last week having dinner at a nice restaurant on the water. Russell Martin was at the table in front of us. He was clean shaving. I thought he was going back to the Yanks.
Tomorrow ABD applies. "On Wisconsin"

3 rbj   ~  Apr 5, 2015 1:09 pm

Happy Baseball everyone!

4 Chyll Will   ~  Apr 5, 2015 4:12 pm

"Getcher urchins right here! Urchins fer sale! Fresh off the street!"

5 rbj   ~  Apr 5, 2015 4:31 pm

[4] Are those organic, free range urchins?

6 Ara Just Fair   ~  Apr 5, 2015 7:40 pm

Thanks to k-zone it looks like I have dental floss shaped rectangle stuck on my tv.
[1] This born and bred ND fan found Thursday night's game both more satisfying and soul-crushing. : (

7 Mr OK Jazz Tokyo   ~  Apr 5, 2015 8:01 pm

I'm so damn happy baseball is back! But certainly will never be going to the Satdium again while nonsense like this is implemented: http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2015/04/05/yankees-ask-fans-arrive-early-mondays-opener/

Prohibited Items

"Please note that the list of prohibited items at Yankee Stadium includes (but is not limited to) laptops, firearms, knives or weapons of any kind, laser pens, glass, cans or aluminum bottles or thermoses, selfie-sticks, video cameras or other equipment designed for the sole purpose of video and/or audio recording, and hard-sided bags, such as briefcases. Please also note that there is no storage area for prohibited items. Guests arriving by public transportation should take particular care not to bring any prohibited items, as no exceptions will be made. For a full list of prohibited items, please visit: http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/nyy/ballpark/information/index.jsp?content=entry

8 Start Spreading the News   ~  Apr 6, 2015 7:41 am

Glad to have baseball back!

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver