"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Step Up Front

Aaron Boone press conference today.


That said, I am excited for Boonie. Why not, right?

Picture by Bags

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1 GaryfromChevyChase   ~  Dec 6, 2017 1:03 pm

Wishing him all the best!

2 Chyll Will   ~  Dec 8, 2017 3:08 pm

Da Winnahhhh!

Huh. Didn't see that coming. I was buying into that "he's looking for a small market" crap. LA/Anaheim isn't that, though they've been fairly obscure for a few years now. Congrats to former Yanks Asst. GM Billy Eppler for hitting the jackpot. Other than that, whatevs, that area has much bigger problems to deal with...

Stanton now says he's open to playing with the Yanks. I guess if you're Cashman you look into how to minimize the impact of that contract and make it more flexible so we don't end up with another A-Rod by the end of it. If it doesn't happen, I won't be upset at all.

3 GaryfromChevyChase   ~  Dec 8, 2017 4:54 pm

As nice as it would seem to have him patrolling the stadium outfield, I'm worried that his salary would destroy what we're trying to do. As I understand it, going over the luxury tax now will cost more than dollars: it will also cost draft picks. Love how the Yanks are back to growing their own. I could be convinced otherwise.

4 rbj   ~  Dec 8, 2017 7:13 pm

Stanton would cost too much in getting under the luxury tax and n prospects. Otherwise he’d be fine.

5 cult of basebaal   ~  Dec 9, 2017 8:26 am

All reports are that the cost in prospects won't be that high. Lord Haw Haw reporting a deal is done.

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--Earl Weaver