Welcome back to another round of Where & When! Big things have happened since our last entry around the league; definitely a climate change from last year’s humdrum conundrum that led to existential angst about the motives of the powers that be. As it turns out, premium starting pitching is a thing worth waiting for, and the Yanks did a nice job sewing up the top free agent starting pitcher in a decade to say the least, and now they have gone almost full-android with their coaching by bringing in a new pitching coach who loves analytics as much as neatsfoot oil (they also let go of yet another strength and conditioning coach, but that’s likely a sore subject we need not explore), not to mention an under-the-radar hiring of a new organizational catching coordinator (subscriptiion link). But enough about baseball for a few seconds, here’s what we have on today’s docket:

Photo credit (from Wikipedia): Mechanical Curator collection, a set of over 1 million images scanned from out-of-copyright books and released to Flickr Commons by the British Library. Public Domain.
I can tell you the date on this will be really hard unless I either tell you or if you find a similar picture to work with, and I won’t stop you from looking hard because there are only a handful of sources to tell you anything about this pic. But if you do find it and suss it out, please tell us a little bit of history about this location and what it’s current status is, if any.
Keeping it simple for the New Year, folks. There were some harder locations to consider, but I figure a nice one to lead us into the New Year wouldn’t be a bad idea. Have fun, and see you on the other side of 2020!
Oh wow, that looks incredibly familiar.
Like, there are bells ringing in the back of my mind.
There isn't a lot to work with. Hm, there are no cars in the picture, but clearly there's a crossing for... cars... unless...
Googling "Bronx train stations" paid off.
It's the old 138th St "Mott Haven" neighborhood station, built in 1886 and later raised (and then I guess eventually razed!).
But I don't have a narrower range for the date here. Hmmmmmm.
Happy New Year.
This one's a stumper.
[2] Ah, "historic new york city train stations" didn't bring it up. Iridetheharlemline dot com has more info. Torn down in 1964.
Hmmm, no one is caught moving, so short exposure time. Lots of phone lines. I'm gonna guess early 1920s.
[4] Good points, but:
They look like they're all just standing there, and
those could be electricity -- unless you can definitely id them as telephone?
Don Larsen has passed away at age 90. Children for many generations who play ball in their yards or on a diamond somewhere in town have dreamed of doing what he did, and he didn't even know he did it until after the game. World Series MVP of 1956 and eventually part of a trade that brought in another player who would have an iconic moment kids would dream about for years. There's a lot more, but you'll have to read the book >;)
[5] The Year was 1893; before the outer boroughs became an official part of Greater New York and New York County consisted of both Manhattan and The Bronx. I can only imagine that at the turn of the century, combining the boroughs into one great city was considered highly progressive; naturally a lot of the older gentry in those boroughs were against it and complained to the bitter end. Even now you get a sense of independence from long-term and legacy residents in Brooklyn, which at one point was the fourth-most populated municipality in the US.
Win goes to RI for finding the answer quickly and rbj gets a brownie for bonus info as well. Happy New Year everyone; well, as happy as we can be as we just lost another Yankee legend, but he did have good luck in the moment of a lifetime, so let's cherish that lore. See you in the next game!
81 games for German. That’s lengthy, even with counting last year’s nine regular season and nine post season games. I’m fine with it as it seems there was evidence. I hope he learns not to be an asshole.