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Tag: the ziegfeld

New York Minute


Gandhi, The Karate Kid, Roxanne, The Last Temptation of Christ, 12 Monkeys. Saw them all, and more, at the Ziegfeld. 

[Photo Via: Wired New York]

New York Minute

Gothamist gives the 12 best movie theaters in New York. Nice to see the Ziegfeld made the list.

I have some good movie memories at that theater: Gandhi, with my grandmother–oh, the agony for an 11-year-old kid;  Karate Kid, a few years later, revved up to kick ass when it was over; Roxanne, in high school, sitting next to a beautiful woman who I followed out of the theater and then walked to the Upper West Side with–she worked in music videos and said she’d try to cast me on her next job, gave me her card, then I never heard from her; The Last Temptation of Christ, around the same time, first showing on opening day, with my friend Matt, making fun of all the protesters; Twelve Monkeys, seven years later with a German girl I was trying to get with (and when I did, came to regret it); Star Wars Episode II, Attack of the Clones, with friends and The Wife in the afternoon before we went to see the Yanks that night–the game where Giambi hit the game-ending grand slam in the rain in extra innings.

[Photo Credit: Joel Zimmer]

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