"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Clutch Ado about Something


Over at the Voice, Allen Barra asks: Who is the Real Mr. October?

Once again, love the drawing by Larry Roibal.

Rodriguez still has miles to go, so to speak. If he tanks against the Angels, it’ll be back to square one for him. But for the moment, let’s not sperl the mood with that kind of talk.

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1 ms october   ~  Oct 12, 2009 3:10 pm

[0] the only other sound's the sweep

that is a really great drawing - just great

i am happy for arod. i hope he is able to enjoy what he has done so far.

and i'll gladly allow him to have the moniker mr. october ii if he hits three home runs on three pitches against the dodgers in the serious this year :}

2 bp1   ~  Oct 12, 2009 3:28 pm

What an extraordinary talent that Larry Robal has. With an absolute minimum of pen strokes, he captures the essence of a person completely. It is quite remarkable. Scroll through his blog and it blows your mind. I'm just - wow. Amazing.

3 Alex Belth   ~  Oct 12, 2009 3:31 pm

I know, I'm loving this guy's stuff.

4 ms october   ~  Oct 12, 2009 3:38 pm

[2] yeah i looked through his blog and it is superb - just amazing talent to capture someone so well

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--Earl Weaver