Alex Belth |
September 28, 2015 9:23 pm |

Ivan Nova was cruising along. Then he made a mistake, followed by another. An inning later he made another one. All told, those three mistakes cost him 4 runs, which these days is an unreasonable sum to ask his mates to match never mind top.
The Yanks are like a ballon that has slowly been leaking air for the past 2 months. Tonight saw another lifeless performance by the hitters as the Red Sox skipped to a 5-1 win at the Stadium. Jackie Bradley Jr. had a homer and made a couple of nice plays in the field.
The Yanks need to win 2 of their final 6 games in order to qualify for the Wildcard but let’s get right to it–have you ever had less confidence in a playoff-bound Yankee team?
It’s hard to be mad at them, we didn’t expect this at the start of the year. We sure would have taken where they are at now. But the way this has played out, death by a thousand cuts, has been dispiriting. While there is plenty of excitement to go around for all the playoff hopefuls there is something missing here in the Bronx. Call it the residue of a generation spoiled by success (the Yanks of the early Sixties ran into this as well). It’s almost as if the Yanks would have to be bad for a good stretch before the excitement returned to the Bronx. Or a player under 50 with some star power.
Part of it is the team on the field, part of it is the fans.
As Walt Kelly famously wrote, “We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us.”