"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice


If you are interested in keeping up with the latest Hot Stove Rumors you should be subscribing to Lee Sinins’ daily Around the Majors e-mail. Why? Because Lee compiles information from papers around the country and because the e-mail is absolutely free.

Here are a few Yankee-related tidbits from today’s edition:

1. According to the Newark Star Ledger, Curt Schilling has told the Diamondbacks he’s changed his mind and would approve a trade to the Yankees.

There is a 3 team rumor that would send Schilling to the Yankees, Nick
Johnson to the Brewers.

2. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, if the Yankees decide they are
interested in Jim Edmonds, there is already a 3 team rumor that would send
Edmonds and Schilling to the Yankees, Nick Johnson and Danny Bautista to
the Cardinals and Alfonso Soriano and Jeff Weaver to the Diamondbacks.

How do you think Yankee fans would like to lose Sori and Nick Johnson and receive Curt Schilling and Jim Edmonds in return?

The gossip is fast and furious right now. Edward Cossette has a good piece today about how instability of the the free agency era reflects modern life.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver