"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Yum Yum

While we’re on the subject of food, check out this article (and video) on a simple fried rice dish from the Times’ Mark Bittman.

[Photo Credit: Evan Sung]

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1 Yankee Mama   ~  Feb 3, 2010 2:01 pm

Although I'm sorry you're moving away from the food vibrator discussion, I have to say, that is one mean fried rice. Then again, Jean-Georges has got it going on. His kitchen appliances need not vibrate.

Being that I happen to have leftover rice, I'll try it tomorrow.

Yum indeed.

2 williamnyy23   ~  Feb 3, 2010 2:04 pm

Zurich...Shanghai...or Atlanta!! Not exactly what I would consider a natural progression of exotic locales!

Alex, have you made this recipe? The ginger and garlic as a garnish is interesting. Sounds tasty, but you definitely have to becareful that they aren't overcooked. Otherwise, it seems like a very plain, but clean fried rice, especially with the sesame oil and soy sauces drizzled on at the end.

3 Alex Belth   ~  Feb 3, 2010 2:43 pm

I haven't made it but after watching the video it sounded appealing--and I usually don't care for Bittman's personality, though some of my closest friends absolutely swear by his cookbooks. Knowing my taste, I'd jazz it up with all sorts of condiments but I'd like to try it.

4 Yankee Mama   ~  Feb 3, 2010 3:57 pm

It's begging for shitake and maybe shiso leaf.

5 Alex Belth   ~  Feb 3, 2010 4:17 pm

What is Shiso Leaf?

6 Yankee Mama   ~  Feb 3, 2010 5:01 pm

Shiso is a strong flavored leaf used predominantly in Japanese cooking. It can be overpowering unless used subtly. You've seen it on sushi platters. It almost looks like an elm leaf. It has a distinctive redolence, if you will.

The restaurant Omen in Soho has a shiso rice that is delicious.

7 RIYank   ~  Feb 3, 2010 6:53 pm

Shiso is similar to basil -- anyway it is in the mint family. Maybe basil is not quite right. Anise, maybe.

8 oncewent3for2   ~  Feb 4, 2010 7:16 am

pungent is the word that shiso brings to mind

the most common use is prolly "ume shiso maki," which is a sushi roll with pickled plum (red) and the leaf of topic.

it's also used in dried form as a topping for rice (ranging in size from small flakes to powder (but not too fine))

definitely sharp, with punch

9 bags   ~  Feb 4, 2010 9:33 am

Funny, I love Bittman's recipes in principle. But rarely in practice. I'll try this one though. Might be better -- creamier-- if you didn't cook the egg and simply broke it over the top of the hot rice. I used to do that with pasta, with some fresh black pepper and reggiano. Mmm.

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