"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

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The-Wire (1)

Via the ever-wunnerful Kottke, check out this AMA with the ADR (automated dialogue replacement) editor from The Wire.

Categories:  1: Featured  Arts and Culture  Television

Tags:  ama  editing  kottke  the wire

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1 Greg G   ~  Jan 9, 2015 7:56 pm

Such a great show!

I have seen the whole series twice, and I am into my 3rd viewing of it now. I have HBO on demand. Bunk & Jimmy are the best.

I often think of those poor british actors working on their dialects, and it must not be easy.

2 seamus   ~  Jan 9, 2015 10:38 pm

Best show ever. I think about that accent thing a lot. Pretty neat hearing about that kind of thing.

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