"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

I Read the News Today (Oh, Boy)

All the links that’s fit to click.

I’d like to see a scoop columnist reality show, maybe with Jon Heyman or Ken Rosenthal or even a young guy, the rookie, trying to make a splash. See all the furious texting and waiting by the phone. Think we could pitch it? One day, a guy has a source saying such-and-such; the next day, another guy has a different source saying the first guy with the first source is full of it.

Meanwhile, I’m as big a sucker for baseball gossip as the next fan, refreshing the top sites like MLB Trade Rumors and Hardball Talk, numerous times each day.

With that said, here’s Mike Axisa’s week-in-review for the week that was over at MLB Trade Rumors. 

Over at River Ave Blues, Joe P comments on a pair of minor league signings.

It’s About the Money, Stupid examines the Yankees budget.

At the Yankeeist, Mike Jaggers-Radolf looks at some of the Yankees’ recent big contracts.

Finally, William reviews past contract talks between Derek Jeter and the Yankees, as well as the 2010 Yankees’ bargains and busts.

Categories:  Bronx Banter  Hot Stove  Yankees

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1 Mattpat11   ~  Nov 29, 2010 9:11 am

I reject any formula that says Francisco Cervelli was a better value in 2010 than Marcus Thames.

2 Diane Firstman   ~  Nov 29, 2010 9:58 am

In happier news, happy 41st birthday to Mo Rivera!

3 williamnyy23   ~  Nov 29, 2010 10:42 am

[1] That caught me off guard too. I am sure his OBP and the positional adjustment for a catcher contribute greatly to his calculated value, but I still think he had a horrible last 4 1/2 months of the season.

4 The Mick536   ~  Nov 29, 2010 11:07 am

Irv Noren, Mike Easler, and Otto Velez also born on this day.

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--Earl Weaver