"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Beat of the Day

Did you know that the late Joe Strummer loved him some Bruce Springsteen?

It’s the emmis, man.


1 Matt Blankman   ~  Feb 2, 2011 12:12 pm

I'm with Joe. Damn, what a shame he's gone.

2 Sliced Bread   ~  Feb 2, 2011 12:31 pm

[1] he was on a roll, too. I love those last two albums he did with the Mescaleros.

Strummer's right about Racing In The Street but the tune I'd reference as proof of Springsteen's awesome powers would be (off the same album) Streets of Fire. In my opinion, the hottest vocal track Bruce ever laid down.

3 Matt Blankman   ~  Feb 2, 2011 12:37 pm

[2] You can't make a wrong choice from that album. I think the title track is one of the best things he's ever written. There' s so much power and scariness in a simple line like "Tonight I'll be on that hill / 'cause I can't stop." Chilling.

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