"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Too Short


Long night for the Yankee offense. They had to deal with Josh Tomlin, Cleveland’s thin-lipped starter who bears a slight resemblance to a young Gary Oldman. Tomlin threw darts, mixed pitches, changed speeds and rocked the Yanks--and the rest of us–to bed. The Yanks kept crushing pitches but they’d go foul because Tomlin placed them just so. The Bombers hit some balls hard in fair territory too but they were either directly at fielders or Cleveland’s men were making nice plays to turn those balls into outs.

A home plate umpire with a horeshit strike zone didn’t help. But he’s not to blame. Tomlin was.

As Crash Davis once said, “Fuck this fucking game.”

But in the 9th inning, there the Yanks were–down 3-2 with men on second and third, 2 out for Didi Gregorious. He hit a harmless fly ball to left field to end the game but the Yanks had their chance right there. Close but no.

They’ll get them tonight, Carrasco or no Carrasco.

Picture by Bags

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