"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Shopping For Runs

ice cream truck

So, yeah, that didn’t go too well, did it? The Yanks got trounced in Canada and now they’re in Detroit for the weekend. Elmore Country! (What was the Elmore novel where the bad guy came from Canada to Detroit? Killshot, that’s it.)

Let’s hope for better results.

Never mind the M*A*S*H unit:

Let’s Go Yank-ees!

Picture by Bags. 

Categories:  1: Featured  Game Recap  Game Thread  Yankees

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1 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 5:24 pm

Tiggers need bullpen help, but I'm not sure they match up well with the Yankees in terms of prospects.

2 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 6:51 pm

Pineda up in trouble again

3 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 6:53 pm

Phew, gets the DP!

4 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 7:04 pm

Better inning for Mike

5 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 7:28 pm

Carlos got robbed of a hit

6 Ara Just Fair   ~  Jun 2, 2016 7:39 pm

Nice catch, Carlos. Booooooooooooooooooooo!

7 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 7:39 pm

Welp, there's the ballgame. Tigers score a run

8 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 7:42 pm

Go after the ball, Carlos!!

9 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 7:43 pm

Closeup on Carlos running off the field. Director channels fan rage...

10 Ara Just Fair   ~  Jun 2, 2016 7:47 pm

Inside corner, Cone? Right down the pipe! Oi!

11 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 7:51 pm

I wouldn't mind getting no hit. Might force Cashman to do something

12 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 7:56 pm

Cameraman really laying a guilt trip on Carlos. Another closeup...

13 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:03 pm

That's a whatchamacallit for Ref! How will the Yankees not score now?

14 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:05 pm

A run!

15 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:11 pm

And that's it

16 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:22 pm

Probably Mike saved his spot tonight

17 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:33 pm

Scooter is yelling at that bunt attempt

18 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:35 pm

Oh, a play that ends badly. Same with the Scottish Play

19 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:36 pm

But a plot twist and the Yankees take the lead.

20 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:39 pm

Wait, what? Another run? Does not compute

21 GaryfromChevyChase   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:43 pm

Groundhog day seems over. A crooked number!

22 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:43 pm

A plethora of runs

23 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:47 pm

Carlos, you are forgiven, even though you killed the rally.

24 Ara Just Fair   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:48 pm

I am shocked and amazed.

25 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:50 pm

Do I dare say it? Dellin sucks...tonight at least.

26 GaryfromChevyChase   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:51 pm

C'mon play defense!

27 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:52 pm

Not helping your trade value, Dellin

28 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:56 pm

Good night, Martinez!

29 GaryfromChevyChase   ~  Jun 2, 2016 8:56 pm

DB comes back strong!!!

30 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:01 pm

Good job Dellin getting SOs with high hard ones out of the zone.

31 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:07 pm

Walking Miggy is not a bad thing

32 Ara Just Fair   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:14 pm

Nothing's easy...

33 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:15 pm

Uncle Charlie here

34 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:16 pm

He's expecting a slider

35 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:16 pm

Run roh

36 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:17 pm

Nice throw for defensive replacement Didi

37 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:17 pm

Receiving the ball is not blocking

38 Ara Just Fair   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:17 pm

Hot damn! Nice peg, Didi!

39 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:18 pm


40 GaryfromChevyChase   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:18 pm


41 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:20 pm

Warriors up 53-42 at the half...

42 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:23 pm

...or is it 52-43...

43 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:24 pm

Chapman time

44 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:28 pm

Crap, a hit

45 Ara Just Fair   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:28 pm

Of course, lead off hit.

46 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:30 pm

Looks a bit wild tonight

47 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:31 pm

Come on, Chapster

48 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:32 pm


49 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:33 pm


50 GaryfromChevyChase   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:34 pm

This is not the script #

51 Ara Just Fair   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:34 pm

This us a fucking train wreck in the making.

52 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:36 pm

DP, two outs but a run scores

53 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:36 pm

The matchup we've been waiting for...don't walk him

54 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:36 pm

Crap. Miggy.

55 GaryfromChevyChase   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:36 pm

That's D!!!

56 coleman42   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:37 pm


57 GaryfromChevyChase   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:37 pm

Wow. Great win.

58 Ara Just Fair   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:37 pm

Wow. Blew a bubble all the while. Cheers, y'all. Phew.

59 rbj   ~  Jun 2, 2016 9:38 pm

Out! Yankees win. I need to change my shorts

Night all. Stiff drink recommended

60 Boatzilla   ~  Jun 3, 2016 9:07 am

[0] Great novel, Alex. Perfect El-Len. Mickey Rourke in the movie, which ain't bad either.

I LOVE our DP combo.

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--Earl Weaver