"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

The Passing of a Master

David Levine, the brilliant caricaturist, and one of my heroes, died yesterday. He was 83 and will be missed.






In case you missed it, here is a fine, if upsetting Vanity Fair profile of Levine by David Margolick.

Categories:  Arts and Culture  Bronx Banter  Obituaries

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1 Chyll Will   ~  Dec 30, 2009 11:06 am

?? The only pic I recognize more than remotely is the third one, writer James Baldwin. I suppose the second one is supposed to be Jackie Robinson, but the face is way too bulgy and reminds me of nothing about him. I have no idea who these others are, but I'm not that worldly >;)

The article makes me think of people who have done something for so long in their lives that the minute they stop, they die. It's like they have nothing else to live for. I dunno if that's the reason in most cases, but I always think about someone who is forced to retire from something they loved doing; how will he or she survive without it, particularly if they don't have a spouse or family to fill the void.

2 Alex Belth   ~  Dec 30, 2009 11:08 am

Hitchcock, Jackie, Baldwin, Twiggy.

3 lroibal   ~  Dec 30, 2009 12:00 pm

I too loved the incomparable David Levine. His artistic prowess was matched by his great wit. Known by most for his great caricature drawings, he was also a brilliant artist represented by the prestigious representational art gallery The Forum Gallery. Check out his water colors of Coney Island


4 Chyll Will   ~  Dec 30, 2009 12:12 pm

Hitchcock? Nah, maybe. Jackie? Uh-uh. Baldwin? Yes. Twiggy? Hard to mess that up, but a good try nonetheless.

Do yo believe that to be a good caricaturist, much like a good fashion designer, you have to have an innate hatred people?

5 Alex Belth   ~  Dec 30, 2009 12:36 pm

4) No, not at all. Maybe a sharp sense of humor. Jeez, Will, you are a tough critic.

6 Chyll Will   ~  Dec 30, 2009 4:08 pm

[5] Nope, just rattling your cage, killer. Happy New Year! >;)

7 Alex Belth   ~  Dec 30, 2009 4:32 pm

Why you...

8 Chyll Will   ~  Dec 30, 2009 4:42 pm
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