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1 Yankee Mama   ~  Oct 7, 2010 11:13 am

Curtis is such a smooth talker, very articulate. He says the same shit as everyone else, but makes it sound real, not cliche. I approve.

Boy would I like to see Pornstache Pavano get his formerly torn glutes handed to him! Is that too much to ask? Just seeking justice.

2 Dimelo   ~  Oct 7, 2010 11:47 am

I am such a huge Grandy-man fan, I hate how some people in the blogosphere were killing him. I just feel he's such a good guy that he's bound to do well, but it doesn't always work out that way. Sometimes the good guys never end up, well, being that good.

I am rooting so hard for Grandy to be really good during the playoffs, you can tell he comes from a very humble background and you want to see people root hard for a guy like him. At least me.

3 RIYank   ~  Oct 7, 2010 12:03 pm

When he's playing, Granderson looks to me like kind of a goofy kid. In the interview he's so smooth, professional, adult. I like both versions, a lot.

4 Sliced Bread   ~  Oct 7, 2010 12:33 pm

I foolishly, and stubbornly held the AJax trade against Grandy for awhile. He's a really good all-around player, and a very cool cat. Couple of timely hits, solid defense & smart baserunning is all we ask around here this time of year, Grandy. Well, we want heroics, too, but that'll come if you stay focused on those other objectives.

5 seamus   ~  Oct 7, 2010 12:36 pm

[3] yeah, i get the same feeling. I think that goofy look is because he's so lanky in appearance on the field. And yes, the dude is one of our better spoken players.

6 Sliced Bread   ~  Oct 7, 2010 12:39 pm

[4] oh, one other thing, Grandy: add crucial walks to your postseason to-do list. We like those, too.

7 seamus   ~  Oct 7, 2010 12:40 pm

Speaking of Granderson, I have a buddy who is a big Detroit fan. Grandy was his favorite player when he was with the Tigers for many of the same reasons we like him. He was as excited as I was by that moonshot triple last night. Good guy gets the love!

8 Shaun P.   ~  Oct 7, 2010 12:57 pm

[2] et al.

Also a big fan of Granderson here. IIRC, both of his parents were teachers, and they really stressed education with him as a kid. I believe he had a running segment on one of XM's MLB radio shows, and I remember being very impressed with how thoughtful and articulate he was. Didn't he write some stuff for ESPN once upon a time, too?

I think by the time all is said and done, the Yanks will have handily won the Granderson deal.

9 Just Fair   ~  Oct 7, 2010 1:02 pm

[2] Word. I've been touting Curtis all year. Even when he was with the Tigers I imagined him in Pinstripes. He's a great dude.

10 thelarmis   ~  Oct 7, 2010 2:04 pm

i've long been a curtis fan and have wished him a yankee for a few years now.

[9] Just Fair and i have seemed to be his biggest support group 'round these parts.

[8] yes, he wrote a blog and i read every post of it. he also has had some tv spots over the years. i've tried to follow all of his off-field exploits. i didn't care that he was a tiger; i just was a fan. still am, only a bigger fan now! : )

i believe his parents are teachers and education is very important to him. i love that and how articulate he is. i hope he continues with the big hits, great catches and fancy footwork on the basepaths, as an everyday player.

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