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1 Greg G   ~  Apr 12, 2012 11:21 am

Bernie! Bernie! Cool drawing!

Nice to see Johnny Damon will soon be taking hacks at 3,000.

I wonder if having Boras as an agent cost him? Boras has enough clients that you simply can't ignore, and I am sure GM's don't want to deal with him.

Johnny should have been picked up much sooner. He can still hit, has speed and has good range in the OF. Sure he has the throwing arm of a 10 year old girl, but he always has. He is a good clubhouse guy with amazing instincts aon the bases. Double steal in 2009 WS anyone?

Good for JD!

2 RagingTartabull   ~  Apr 12, 2012 11:54 am

favorite Yankee ever, non-Mo division, up there

3 bp1   ~  Apr 12, 2012 12:48 pm

[2] Yep, certainly one of my favorites. How can a guy be dignified and goofy at the same time? Bernie carried that off like nobody else.

I'm sure everyone has a "Bernie Moment" story. One of my favorites is a game against the Mariners when LouP was still the mgr. I don't remember too many of the specifics, but Lou walked someone to get to Bernie and you could tell Bernie didn't like it. Bernie hits a triple, spins as he lands on third base (twirled might be a better word - only Bernie could twirl and not make it look silly), and glared into the Mariners dugout at Lou, basically saying "How dare you!".

Bernie is a monument park guy in my opinion. An all time great Yankee.

4 Alex Belth   ~  Apr 12, 2012 1:21 pm

"How can a guy be dignified and goofy at the same time? Bernie carried that off like nobody else."

Well put.

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