"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

New York Minute


Guy I know went to the game last week when Derek Jeter returned to action.

Sent me this e-mail:

Went to the game again today, got a $5 ticket, bought it a couple hours before the Jeter announcement.

On the train on the way up, I see a couple. (I was running late so there weren’t many of us). The girl’s wearing a Jeter T-shirt, looking at her cell phone. The guy’s got on a Yankees wife-beater, Yanks shorts, and he’s holding one of those bona fide gray Jeter jerseys that cost like a 100 bucks.

I sidle up and say, “Hey, got the Jeter gear! His first game of the year!”

The guy looks at me then looks away. “I dunno, we don’t follow them.”

The girl keeps on checking her phone.

[Photo Credit: Meredith Winn]


1 Chyll Will   ~  Jul 17, 2013 12:01 pm

Gimme dat!! (snatch) now gimme your wallet...

2 ms october   ~  Jul 17, 2013 12:09 pm

ah, how fitting.

alex you have whet my appetite with the nugget of a-rod bochinche you dropped in the all-star game thread last night.

3 Alex Belth   ~  Jul 17, 2013 1:08 pm

2) I don't know more. But I'm sure this misghegoss will hit the fan soon enough.

4 ms october   ~  Jul 17, 2013 1:12 pm

[3] yea doesn't seem like it can drag on too much longer. the whole 'negotiation' aspect is making me think of pete rose.

5 garydsimms   ~  Jul 17, 2013 1:50 pm

MLB radio reported that Arod is moving to Trenton next, and that Coffee Joe has said he'll be ready for Monday night's game. If $man has a deal cookin' he hasn't told Joe, or maybe Joe is putting out trash.

6 Chyll Will   ~  Jul 17, 2013 3:21 pm

[5] If Joe doesn't know, shame on him. I'm inclined to think the Yanks are in extreme CYA mode right now.

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--Earl Weaver